Author: carmelo

  • WordPress + SQLite Did not try Duplicator. WP Migrate DB Pro didn’t work to migrate from MySQL to SQLite.

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  • UI/UX components

    UI/UX components

    October 2022 98.css September 2022 w2ui JavaScript UI Library

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  • Stable Diffusion

    Stable Diffusion

    Resources Models Model Database ( Dataset Database ( Self hosted Stable Diffusion Webui (AUTOMATIC1111)Python web server. Stable Diffusion Webui (sd-webui) Visions of chaos (Softology)Native windows application. Videos Phenaki

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  • Is the daily challenge healthy?

    The biggest take away here is my time is limited. I wasn’t being creative, I was working, all the time. This comes at a price.

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  • Daily progress

    It’s only been a few days and I’ve begun to feel some pressure on meeting the demands of this challenge. I knew it would be difficult but I have a problem with my overall purpose or vision for this challenge. I framed the challenge as a desire to “create something daily”. However I’m allowing all…

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  • ssh -i asks for password

    Check user permissions: User home DIR should be limited to 744 ~/.ssh = 700

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  • Inspired by BEEPLE

    BEEPLE’s commitment has inspired me to produce something daily.

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  • Accessing Android clipboard via ADB

    Having trouble accessing your Android clipboard via ADB? Check out Adb Clipboard.

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  • Fractional Scaling settings don’t apply

    Fractional Scaling settings don’t apply

    Here’s a fix for fractional scaling doesn’t work with proprietary Nvidia drivers. Any setting will result in 200% increase. Tested on Ubuntu 20.04.

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  • Game Maker Studio

    Started working on my first game, Average Bob Space Adventure. Currently following tutorials by Friendlycosmonaut and they’ve been incredibly helpful. Luckily Game Maker Language has a similar syntax to PHP so it’s been pretty easy to pick up. If you want to follow Bob’s progress check the GitHub repository.

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  • MySQL/MariaDB woes

    Recently had some issues with a fresh MariaDB install. After installation I was unable to create a new user. After testing a few things I realized I also had issues changing the root password. I eventually was hit with the error message: ERROR 1372 (HY000): Password hash should be a 41-digit hexadecimal number After numerous…

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  • Open source journalism

    We recently started a discussion on stream on what open source journalism might look like for as us developers. We also discussed some implications and use cases for both readers and journalists. Here’s a quick breakdown of our initial chat on 2/6/2020. I plan on editing this post as we continue to grow this idea…

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  • Playing Quake 3 on OS-X

    I was surprised to see how easy it was to get Quake 3 up and running under OS-X 10.10.5. With these simple steps you’ll be up and running in no time. I think I see a dedicated server in my near future. Download a pre compiled (Windows, Linux, Solaris also available) Version 1.36 for OS-X Mount ioquake3.dmg Move ioquake3 folder to your  /Applications…

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  • MediaTemple DDOS

    Posted during the storm, you guys rock! Good luck guys!

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  • Two weeks of HHVM

    Running for about two weeks now, I must say HHVM is very snappy. It can be rough around the edges while setting up depending on your system, but thats to be expected.  I tried several installation methods, ultimately a manual build under Ubuntu 12.04 worked best. However I’m experiencing some issues with WordPress permalinks. Direct…

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  • Some Hello Doge, in C?

    Like some young men, my father was a big influencer on my career path. I started with web design, but quickly realized without logic my projects would essentially be useless. A few months later I was writing basic PHP and cutting up WordPress themes on a regular basis. Today, 6 years later,  quite comfortable with…

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  • Motivation?

    This is something I’ve been having some difficulties with the past few months. I tend to program in cycles, I have some very productive times, followed by a null in development and overall creativity. In the past I relied heavily on yoga to help reduce the impact these lulls had on my overall person. More…

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  • Hello world!

    Welcome to blah blah! Another WordPress installation. Testing this old school MySpace layout. Currently everything seems to be running well, 6 post types via JSON array later, and no complaints so far.  

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